
It's 00:44 and I'm back

 Welp. It's been ages since I've posted here. I think I'm just vibing at the moment. I'm not going to make a promise about being consistent because clearly it's not wokring.  Things have gotten really intense with University (as we all know), but I am trying to make an effort to write. I haven't really got anything to say except from keep on pushing! I know it's been tough, challenging and it can seem very impossible at some times, but one scripture that Pastor David Antwi has DRILLED into my head is Mark 10:27  - all things are possible with God. Now, I'm not going to take this verse out of context and tell you that if you want to jump and fly that it will be possible but I am going to tell you to trust God. It's easy to look at yourself and say that "I have little faith" and then condemn yourself but who here can say that their faith is their own or that they are responsible for their faith? We live by the faith of the Son of God {Gal 2:2...

God is the Master Creative.

 Hey guys! I'm not even going to give an elaborate reason as to why I've been gone for so long because I don't have one. There's no excuse for me disappearing other than the fact I have had no content to put out. However, I've been working on a few things and I'd like to share them with you guys...... Genesis 1:26 -  Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  We are made in His image. God is the Master Creative; He formed this WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE FROM SCRATCH. We have been made in His image and likeness meaning that we to have a creative capacity, so why don't we use it? To label yourself as untalented is an insult to the workmanship of God. Are you saying that you, His masterpiece were made without a purpose. We all have a creative potential so let's ...

Salvation and Education - A New Leaf

 1 Peter 2:9 -  But you  are  a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; (NKJV) Hello and blessings Saints! If you're new to WoR, salutations! I hope you are edified by my posts. If you're a returning reader, thank you for all the support! God bless you. I wanna start off by saying a massive thank you to you all. My transparency post did bits and all the glory goes to Him. Furthermore, you guys have made me feel very good  about opening up and all the negative thoughts I had surrounding the post were quenched because the love you guys showed me was  >>>>>>>> U N M A T C H E D  Today's post is going to be aimed at believers starting University, new believers that are stepping into their next year of University and younger believers going into 6th Form. If you know anyone that fits into any of thes...

Testimony Time

“ And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Blessings Saints! Hope everyone is blessed and doing well. I’m back again with another Testimony Time but with a little twist ; this testimony belongs to one of my bro’s. I’m gonna link his Twitter and Snapchat at the bottom. If you can identify with any of the things he has spoken about, please don’t hesitate to message him and get in touch.  Hope you’re blessed 😎🙌🏿 My testimony on low self-esteem/confidence Where do I start? From as young as I can remember, I was an overweight child from the age of 5-6) due to unhealthy eating, lack of exercise alongside my metabolism was not in full effect yet. Not only this but my skin was sensitive from a young age as well, but I would also suffer from eczema/rashes the odd time it made feel awkward. Furthermore, my mum took me to the GP countless times but they offered creams tha...


 2 Corinthians 3:2 - 2  The only letter of recommendation we need is you yourselves. Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you. 3   Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This “letter” is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts. Blessings Saints.  This post is going to take a lot out of me but God has really been pushing me to be transparent and open. This is one of those posts that I'm not going to really edit because I want this to be as raw as possible. I was legit planning to go to my grave with this secret but God had other plans. This is probably NOT going to come as a shock to some people but the fact that I'm acknowledging it and putting it out in the open may change how people see me. At the end of the day Galatians 2:20   and them tings there.  ...

Back to basics

Jeremiah 15:16 - " Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts." - NKJV Blessings saints! I'm back again with another post. I hoping that this one will be a blessing and will prayerfully help someone in their walk with God. This post is going to be about reading the Bible and specifically about how I used to read the Bible before lock down and how I go about  studying it now. Reading and studying are two different things (I'm sure we all know that) (storytime) At the start of lock-down I felt like I lacked a personal understanding of doctrine. Even though I was learning, I felt like I never digested what I was being taught. Now Pastor David always tells us to STUDY the word. I thought what I was doing was studying but whew......... I most certainly wasn't. I would literally read a chapter, write down my thoughts and then that's me done for the day. Now if th...

Operation : Wear your identity

Matthew 5:14-16 - 14  “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15   Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all  who are  in the house. 16   Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Welcome back everyone!! I hope you enjoyed my last post. Like I said, if you have any questions whatsoever, please dm me and we can talk. This post is going to be a bit different. I have some friends that have decided to start Christian clothing lines and as you can see from the title of this post, we as believers should WEAR OUR IDENTITY.  We need to let our light shine and yes we can do this by living as Christ but wearing Christian clothing on top of it just adds a but of flavor on top in my opinion.    Before anyone gets on my neck, I do have a hoodie from one of these clothing lines and I'm planning on buyin...